Sunday, March 29, 2009

When Armageddon hits..

We all, once we meet someone, bracket them in our heads consciously or unconsciously into various categories. She is silly, he is stern with his children, they are all on drugs, and so on. With me, I often bracket people first into what would they do when Armageddon hits. Would they sit on the curb and cry until the living dead grabs them to eat or will they take to the hills and fight the alien invasion.

Will you hand craft a bow to hunt, or would you be forced to eat insects and grub? I would like to think I would have the resolve and moxie to keep on keeping on. To help repopulate the soon to be depleted Earth.

My advice to you. Put down your i-pod and i-phone, you i-tard, for a quick minute and get your head into it. What would you do if the end of days arrive? Have a plan. Think of who you would call, family and friends. Have an escaped route, work your way around the trouble. Zombies are easy to outthink, Aliens not so much and roaming hordes of maurading human gangs about midline.

Where would you go? My sister and brother and law have a ranch that they haven't sold yet in Oregon, I think we may make the long haul out there, through the back roads of course. But when we get out there we will have to deal with Bigfoot, but that is another story entirely.

Stay tuned...


  1. I think I'd know enough to get the eff out, but wouldn't really be able to fight anything. Although, I have begun preparing myself -- I've already read How to Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion.

  2. Don't forget The Zombie Survival Guide (real book)
