Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Answer My Friends is Blowin in our Sins

Step out of your front door. Can you hear that sound? No it is not the Langoliers, Mr. Toomey. It is the sound of the down swing of our society. The sound in your head that you don't want to listen to. Well stay seated and read on and I will break it down briefly for you.

Everything is cyclical. Civilizations rise and fall. The Incas, the Aztecs, the Romans, the Egyptians, the list goes on. We, especially Western Civilization, have had our run of it. We have red lined the tachometer of our society for so long that it is now time to come back to planet Earth. The ancient Greeks based many of their myth and tragedy plays on the notion of hubris, man's pride and arrogance being his undoing. Icarus flew too close to the sun ignoring his father's warning, and we, through our greed, have picked clean the carcass of the once great America.

Greed drove Madoff to take dollar after dollar in his ponzi scheme, and Greed drove his investors to hand the money over to him, believing in his falsified return schedules showing great performance even during the down turns in the market. Greed drove American Auto Worker Unions to take take take, making crazy wages and benefits for turning a screw and snapping on a panel and all the while, over the years, making their competitiveness in the car market worse and worse. Open up today's paper. Read the headlines and delve into a few. Can you see a few more examples? Can you find the next Icarus flying too high?

Well, the pendulum is swinging back now. Take the knife out of the draw. Cut yourself a slice of humble pie. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's the end of the world as we know it....

What I'll miss when it all comes apart.

1) Advil Liquid Gels - Food of the Gods - Folks at work know my pill crush I have on these.
2) Movies - God, I hope The Hobbitt is released before it hits. Yes, I'm a fantasy fiction geek!
3) TGI Friday's - In there it's always Friday.
4) Recomposing and Laziness - I'll be too busy keeping alive and repopulating the world (THIS LAST BIT IS FOR YOU SWEATY)

What will you miss? Comments Please.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quick Hit

Sorry to be so long, but I've working many hours.

The Somalian Pirates finally showed a chink in their armor. After making scores of many great boat jackings netting millions of dollars in profits they finally showed just how poor the Somali education system is. They take an American cargo ship, and instead of going the tested and true path of holding ship and cargo until ransom is delivered, they take the ships captain to hold for ransom instead. Are they mad? And by mad I mean crazy. We all know their mad, they are taking ships for ransom. There has to be some kind of ax to grind there. Don't they know a company will gladly hand over the cash for their cargo far sooner than for a human life.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

I just saw on Fox 8 news this morning a Japanese engineer invented a device that fits into your ear that controls your ipod with your face. Correct, your face.

The inventor, Kazuhiro Taniguchi of Osaka University, says that his device, the Mimi Switch or Ear Switch, you can turn on and off your ipod by sticking out your tongue, can advance it foward by opening your eyes wide and go back one song by winking your right eye.

With this news story, there was video showing the device being controled by these movements. And frankly, it looked ridiculous.

Okay, now listen up people. It is bad enough that you i-tards walk around in public with your head buried in your little portable devices. The same little electronic devices that are ironically bringing our society's social existence to a halt. I firmly believe that in the near future people will be murdered on city streets in the full light of mid-day and no one will even know because they will have their i-buds in their ears and their "eyes" on their text messages. But now we have a device hitting the market that will make you look like a flirtatious cat person with digestive problems.

The cat person aspect is the on and off of the device. I see my cats do this when chorking up a hair ball, the tongue comes way out as they hurl. The flirtatiousness is from the winking. If anyone is actually looking around they will see you winking at them while going back one song. Careful their bubba, you just winked at an old church lady that hasn't been amorous since the Reagan administration. And the intestinal problem? Well I know for a fact that my eyes open wide when that three alarm chili finally hits the lower intestines.

Please Fox 8, please tell me this is all an April Fools Day ploy. Please tell me this will be a simple silly facination and will never really take hold. Then again, kids have been wearing their pants off their asses going on almost 20 years now. Who would have thought that fad would have lasted this long.